Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Heart Feels Pain

I still can feel that feelings.. a mixed feeling between anger, disappoint, and sad. But mostly is sad feelings..

I know, we must walking forward no matter what other people said about us. Because no matter what we do, even goodness, still, other people will talk anything about you.

This, I choice this path to be a mother and still working is a choice that I think best for my family, for my future, for my kids. Is it wrong?

Many people outside there compare between a working mom and a stay at home mom. Some people says stay at home mom is better, some other people says the opposite.

Working mom or stay at home mom are the same, buddy. They both are MOTHER. The only different thing is her choice. But I'm sure, every mother will choose the best for her family, her kids..

In sadness.. there is always a sentence that cheer you up and make you feel better. I hope from now, I will not feel this sadness anymore. Still moving forward to reach better future with my hubby, my baby, and my family. Still be self-supporting and still can start kindness to others. Oh, and I won't let those negative people harm my feelings anymore.

"Sesungguhnya di antara dosa-dosa itu, ada yang tidak dapat terhapus dengan puasa dan shalat". Maka para sahabat pun bertanya: "Apakah yang dapat menghapusnya, wahai Rasulullah?" Beliau menjawab: "Bersusah payah dalam mencari nafkah."" (HR.Bukhari)

"Siapa saja pada sore hari bersusah payah dalam bekerja, maka sore itu ia diampuni" (HR. Thabrani dan lbnu Abbas)

"Barangsiapa yang bekerja keras mencari nafkah untuk keluarganya, maka sama dengan pejuang di jalan Allah 'Azza Wa Jalla". (HR. Ahmad)

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