Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Heart Feels Pain

I still can feel that feelings.. a mixed feeling between anger, disappoint, and sad. But mostly is sad feelings..

I know, we must walking forward no matter what other people said about us. Because no matter what we do, even goodness, still, other people will talk anything about you.

This, I choice this path to be a mother and still working is a choice that I think best for my family, for my future, for my kids. Is it wrong?

Many people outside there compare between a working mom and a stay at home mom. Some people says stay at home mom is better, some other people says the opposite.

Working mom or stay at home mom are the same, buddy. They both are MOTHER. The only different thing is her choice. But I'm sure, every mother will choose the best for her family, her kids..

In sadness.. there is always a sentence that cheer you up and make you feel better. I hope from now, I will not feel this sadness anymore. Still moving forward to reach better future with my hubby, my baby, and my family. Still be self-supporting and still can start kindness to others. Oh, and I won't let those negative people harm my feelings anymore.

"Sesungguhnya di antara dosa-dosa itu, ada yang tidak dapat terhapus dengan puasa dan shalat". Maka para sahabat pun bertanya: "Apakah yang dapat menghapusnya, wahai Rasulullah?" Beliau menjawab: "Bersusah payah dalam mencari nafkah."" (HR.Bukhari)

"Siapa saja pada sore hari bersusah payah dalam bekerja, maka sore itu ia diampuni" (HR. Thabrani dan lbnu Abbas)

"Barangsiapa yang bekerja keras mencari nafkah untuk keluarganya, maka sama dengan pejuang di jalan Allah 'Azza Wa Jalla". (HR. Ahmad)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Long Weekend in Bandung (Dec '13)

Mostly, if there's a long weekend in calendar, me and my little family spend it in my grandmother's house in Cimahi, near Bandung. This weekend, there is a looong weekend also and we plan to go to there again, to visit my mother and my grandmother, and also to have a little vacation :D

And then I remember where was we going at last month (at Christmas holiday). Yes, my family and my hubby's family also went to Cimahi to attend "syukuran" of my sister's pregnancy that has been for four months and also "syukuran" for my mother's departure to do Umroh next month. That was in Saturday.

After that, me and my hubby's family were going to Gasibu. Just to spend Saturday night out, feel the Bandung ambience, eat traditional snack such as cimol, cilok, sakoteng, boiled peanut, sausage, hehehe.. it's a lot of snack isn't it?

And then in the Sunday, my family and my hubby's family were going to have vacation at Sari Ater. Was sooo full there.. We arrived when lunch time and then we ate in the ground just layered with a plated mat. Eat baked uli, baked corn, drink green coconut and other foods (hehehe..). After that we decide to swim at hot water. A good way of relaxing indeed :) Here below are the photos:

 Me, my hubby, and my baby @ Gasibu

 Me, my hubby, and my baby (sleeping) @ Sari Ater

All my family

Next vacation this weekend. Can't wait. Yeayyy!! :)

1/4 to Heaven and One Day One Page

This month I join another Facebook group which is ITBMotherhood, a group for ITB students and alumni, especially who have interest to kid and mother world. At that group I found two interesting postings about reading and memorizing Al-Quran via Whatsapp group. Suddenly I want to join those groups.

First group is namely "1/4 to Heaven". Via Whatsapp group that consists of 30 people, everyone everyday is reading 1/4 juz of Quran (it's about 5 pages). So in four days, this group will finish reading Quran (khatam). For the next four days, everyone is then continue reading to the next juz. Everyone also has to report to the group everyday whether she has read her part. This will make you keep in spirit for finishing your part :)

The second group is namely "One Day One Page". It's also using Whatsapp group but only consists of ten people. In this group, everyone needs to memorize one page Quran in one day, starting from the latest Surah in juz 30 (An-Naas). And then everyone report it to the group via Whatsapp recorder. Until today, I have reported until surat Ad-Dhuha which is it's a half of juz 30, but it's getting harder and harder to memorize next surah and keep memorizing the former surah :'( Hopefully I can do it better.. Aamiin.

I also hope this activities will become my saving to the next life.. and my baby also can follow doing it. Because if you want to make your child to do something, there's no other choice beside you also do it.
Cheers mothers :)

From Abu Umamah RA he said, "I hear Rasullullah SAW says, "Read by you Al-Quran, actually Quran will give syafaat (help) in judgement day for the readers (hafizh)."" HR Muslim.

Monday, January 27, 2014


From wanting to know more about baby food, it turns out to charity. Maybe that's the sentence that describes me and my activity this two weekends. 

In the beginning, I told by a friend about Facebook group that has many discussion and knowledge about baby food. The group name is Homemade Healthy Baby Food. Every single day I open it to know what food that I will cook tomorrow for my baby. There are a lot of recipes there, divided by age of baby and it's natural cooked and very healthy. Many files and photos you can read and see. And you can have discussion with other mommies also. It's like a treasure for me ;)

And than I courage myself to a little bit active on the group. Not only searching and copy the recipes, but also posting comments or photo about the result of my cooking. After the group wall is opened on Thursday and Saturday, I also courage myself to submit recipes to the group. And happily, other mommies response my post :D

On 12/1/2014, I decided to participate in HHBF member meeting TangSel area at Taman 2 BSD. At that meeting, every member who came was bringing own food and changing it to other members. It's called "potluck". Other member's food was so beautiful and yummy. There was cupcake, pudding, bread, brownies, and so on. Maybe only my food was so plain and not colorful hehehe..

My plain macaroni schotel

Me and my baby (that has turns to toddler)

In this month, flood happens in Jakarta and around. HHBF makes a charity for helping especially baby and kids to have healthy food. And then I join the charity. Last week I made rice with chicken and carrot, with boiled egg. Yesterday I made spaghetti with the sour-sweet sauce. Those foods are then delivered to ACT Ciputat.

Rice-chicken-carrots with boiled egg and banana

The spaghetti

Cooking some of food packages is about exhausted. But inside my heart I feel happy. I am grateful that my condition is much better than those flood victims.. and alhamdulillah I can make small help for them. Hopefully in the future, my baby also understands to always try to do kindness to others. Aamiin :)

In Love With Electric Oven

Now cooking is one of my hobby. I'm very excited doing it, from searching recipes, buying all ingredients, chopping, cooking, and of course eating it. Although most of my cooking is for my baby and actually it's still relative simple. Even no need adding sugar and salt for under one year. 

Now my baby is turn to toddler. And it's much trickier to now what she likes. More variation is needed to make her want to eat her food. One of variation that I have tried is cooking by electric oven. I think it's easier cooking by it since it can be left once you put the food inside it :)

Here is my electric oven:

I bought Cosmos Electric Oven at Carrefour Ciputat (IDR around 450k)

Recipes that I have tried is taken from Facebook Group "Homemade Healthy Baby Food". Below are the picture of them:

Simple cookies from bread and cheese

Baked rice with tiny sea fish (teri)
Potato pizza with chicken, carrot, and cheese topping

Ehmmm.. yummy :9

Saturday, January 4, 2014


"When you marry someone, you are not only married his/her beauty, kindness, and wealth. But also married his/her flaws and families."