Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Eventhough it's not a new thing for some people, but actually I just already have Pinterest account a couple months ago. It's kind a little bit different than another social media like Facebook, Instagram, or Path. It gives you more interesting information to know and to apply in daily life.

I am first interested to this Pinterest when friend share their pins on Facebook. I check the web, making account and select some boards to follow. After that, I can not stop search interested things from it. From things like parenting, kitchen stuff, and kids activities. Actually, Pinterest is like dictionary of article, website, or blog. When we want to search something, just click and tarra! Many references of what we search are there on your monitor. The article is good and relatively complete, although much of them are made by overseas people. Indonesian people I think is not much as them.

But all I want to say is, why don't you try it? You can download the application too in android playstore for more easy accessibility.

My Pinterest account is nikayunitri :)

Family Gathering @ Naura's Birthday

On Sunday, Dec 8th, my family and I went to Saung Talaga Sawangan to have lunch and celebrate first Naura's birthday. Here are the photos:

 All family members from my family and hubby's family were coming

 Naura with grandmoms and grand grandmom

Birthday cake is bought from Cheezecake Factory
The cake name is Yin Yang (mixed of cheese and chocolate)

 The dress code is red hehehe..

Biggest gift for Naura is bicycle

And this is the birthday girl :)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Dear My Little Naura

Today, my daughter turns to one year. Happy birthday dear my little Naura Kineta. May you be a sholehah, healthy, kind, smart, and beautiful girl. Thank you that you make me become better person everyday. Because there's no other choice if I want to see you be better person in the future beside me, your mom, trying to do the same thing. Many people says a baby almost demand everything, but actually a baby gives all parents need to be happy and complete :)